Get to know us

We began as a small Christian ministry in Ethiopia 21 years ago, originally named Hanniel Maritime Ministry (HMM). Over time, as HMM phased out, we transitioned from HMM and rebranded our organization as Katalasso Christian Society and Services, which was also established in Addis Ababa. During this period, we expanded our ministry across two magnificent continents, Africa and America. We aspire to extend our reach to the Asian and European continents by God's grace. Our mission is to serve God's people through various means, including publications, digital media, teaching, and training, as well as mentoring.

people sitting on grass field during daytime
people sitting on grass field during daytime

Our mission

We are on a mission to share the message of Christ with the world, empowered by His strength, and to bring glory to God as we disciple believers. We achieve this through proclaiming and teaching the truth found in the Holy Bible, which has the power to transform lives.

Our vision

We eagerly anticipate meeting Christ during His second coming as the gospel of His Kingdom is preached worldwide, equipping believers for the good works they were created to perform.

bible page on gray concrete surface
bible page on gray concrete surface

Our team

Our strength is rooted in God's Living Word. Founded by Dagmawi M. Wube, our team is dedicated to providing exceptional service across various Christian domains. This includes missional gospel preaching, Christian and theological education, church consultancy, and a wide range of spiritual nourishment products. We offer resources such as books, journal articles, radio programs, internet and TV podcasts, YouTube videos, and social media content.

Dagmawi M. Wube

Founder / Teacher, writer, & producer

Sam Noh

Pastor / Board Member

LaMont Henry

Advisor / Board Member

K. K.

Advisor / Board Member